We have recently started going to a Motel in Dundee every week to help the people of that community with the food and supplies they need. We've done it for about 2 months now. We bring all types of things people need, ask for, want, etc. Some have started to wonder why we've made it our regular stop every week.

The world says "If you fail, try, try again." Well, we aren't failing, and we aren't trying but we're DOING exactly what God has called us all to do, go after the one person, and never failing because we already won in God's eyes.
Changing just one life is enough for us, and it takes persistence, love, grace, and kindness. Showing up every week, no matter how we feel, look like, smell like, matters. Showing up matters. Being the light in the darkness matters.

When we go help a community, we don't always see the change immediately, but we know we're planting a seed of love into everyone. We're showing them that we love them, and they believe us because we remember their names, faces, what their needs are, and most importantly showing them who Jesus is.
2 weeks ago, there was a lady that didn't want to come up to get food, so we brought it to her, and this past week she ended up coming up and asking for prayer. We were actually able to pray for a tumor she had. We started praying and she felt it move so we knew it was about to be healed. She kept checking it and after the third time we prayed, it was completely gone.
That's what happens when you show up, continue to show up, and be love.
