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Just One Outreach...Behind the Scene:


A single outreach takes:

  • 50 volunteer hours or 12 people willing to give 4-5 hours of their day

  • On average 4,000 pounds of food

  • 175 bags (average)

  • 6-8 pallets

  • 4 watermelon bins

  • 2 pallet jacks

  • 1 forklift

  • 1 box truck

  • 2 hours of loading and unloading food and pallets

  • 150-200 boxes that need to be broken down

  • 1 hour of clean up

  • 1 hour of delivery and pick up

  • 1 BIG tank of diesel

  • 1 driver and a helper

All of this happens BEFORE an outreach!

Before the food even reaches The Freedom Tour, we have to schedule the pick up and then schedule our driver, fuel up the trucks, and head out. Once we pick up the donation it must be brought back to The Freedom Tour, where volunteers spend hours breaking down pallets of food and creating bags or boxes. We do all of this because one man said YES to a calling and believes in the Kingdom of God.

  • Yes, it will cost you everything

  • Yes, people will hate you

  • Yes, people will persecute you

  • Yes, it will be a blessing to others

  • Yes, many will receive Kingdom encounters

  • Yes, yes, yes.

This was a costly yes!

Are you ready to count the cost?

What can you do each day to say YES to Jesus and be the light to someone who is hurting?

Will they laugh at you? Yes. Will they persecute you? Yes. Will people's lives be touched and changed? Yes. It is worth the cost? Yes.

  • Would you consider partnering with us in prayer, through your finances, and through volunteering to help reach those in need? We can't do this alone, we need you!


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The Freedom Tour

108 1st Eloise Street 

Winter Haven, Fl. 33880

(863) 247-3256

Office Hours 8:30 am-4pm Monday-Thursday

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