There are hundreds if not thousands of churches and ministries across our local area. Some do outreaches, some don’t, but one thing we know is that we need to be a light to everyone including other ministries. We work alongside many local and national organizations to help people in need beyond just our own people. There is a way for us to work together rather than seeing each other as ‘competition’. We’re all after the same thing, helping others, being the light, so why not come together and help each other grow towards that same goal!

Recently we had an amazing outreach where 3 other ministries came out to the warehouse and blessed us with food to give out to our local community. Each ministry brought its own trucks and we helped unload and pack boxes to hand out to people. After all of our amazing volunteers handed out the food, we looked around and realized we had more food than what we started with. We are so thankful so these amazing people that decided to put away pride and ‘competition’ and come together to show others who God really is, a God of overflow and more than enough!!

Throughout the day we even were all talking about new ideas and ways to help each other grow into the community and grow our ministries. After all, we are all a team, and if we grow, they grow, and if they grow, we grow. Imagine if every church in the local area came together with all the resources we all have, and blessed the community! We would see a total change in the city and maybe even the country!
Special shoutout & thanks to Southeastern Food Bank, His Compassion Food Bank, One More Child, & many of our volunteers that took their time to serve others.